Free Speech

We have a right to free speech in this country as long as it does not incite violence. Our Constitution doesn't allow big government to censor citizens for expressing an unpopular political or religious view. Debate is healthy and everyone should be allowed to express different opinions.
Right to Bear Arms

Government has limited power and cannot infringe upon our right to arm ourselves. Just because a weapon looks scary doesn't mean government should just ban it. Military grade does not mean dangerous or well constructed, just mass produced. The 2nd Amendment protects far more than hunting or target shooting.
Private Property

If what you have built or own on your property is not a hazard and does not infringe on someone else’s property, then you should not have the government telling you what you should do with your property. Privacy is important. The government needs to show more respect for private ownership.

Our Declaration of Independence acknowledges that we have unalienable rights from our Creator, including the right of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Life starts at conception. It's important we value the sanctity of life.
Illegal Immigration

Thousands of illegal immigrants pour across our border every day due to the Biden/Harris administration's failure to secure it. Irresponsible "Sanctuary State" policies, tax dollar handouts, and a severe lack of criminal investigation are putting citizens at risk. We must uphold our laws and demand the federal government fix this problem, while standing firm locally against crime.
Family Values

Families are the bedrock of society. The strength of the family is directly related to our ability to flourish economically and socially. The far left is pushing woke social agendas upon children in an attempt to tear down the nuclear family. Without strong families, we will not have strong citizens.

Can be theft, especially when government does not spend the money properly. Government needs to be a good steward of the funds. No political party should tolerate an elected official taking from the public, or voting for wasteful or debt-ridden expenditures.
Election Integrity

Mail-in ballots as a permanent status was one of the worst things we ever did. Absentee ballots help soldiers and tradesmen who work out of state so they can participate in our elections. Otherwise, able-bodied adults should have to go to a polling place and cast a ballot. In 2020 we saw machines that were suspected of fraudulence. We as conservatives need to push for 3rd party audits of these machines and if those machines were ever compromised we need to remove them from service. We should follow the South Carolina model for voting. Vote in private, count in public.
Limited Government

Limited government operates only under the authority of the charter that dictates its actions. Government should never operate inefficiently. Government officials must remember that our primary duty is to ensure the rights of the people. We are elected not to rule but to represent the people who elected us.